Saturday, April 12, 2008

Democracy now?!

Recently the media were summoned twice within a period of ten days to press briefings at Government Buildings . The journalists , or The Fourth Estate as they are sometimes called , dutifully turned up , firstly to record the resignation of our current Taoiseach and then to record the 'beatification ' of his successor .Of course they were referring to the leadership of Fianna Fail also ,but we were effectively being told that this was our incoming Taoiseach .
Some of the journalists seemed to be there , on both occasions ,just to ask easy-peasy questions apparently to avoid hurting anyones feelings , in fact some seemed to 'tee-up' their questions to suit the known agenda of the recipient .

About a year ago the party now in power recieved 41% of the vote at our General Election . From this base they cobbled together a rag-bag coalition who have become our Government , but very much under the thumb of Fianna Fail
This Government has introduced , benchmarking for all public servants , notably referred to by Senator Joe O'Toole ,as an ATM (he was addressing teachers , but this applies to all public servants ).
This Government are now presiding over 1000 quangos ,they have increased the number of 'junior'ministers and of course the Taoiseach has made liberal use of his power to appoint fellow travellers to that most undemocratic of all bodies Senad Eireann.
Then we have our President , who was not elected the last time but 'nodded through' for a seven year term by Dail Eiteann ,
With all these people and their families , staff , and cohorts and with benchmarking (including the now almost unheard of Defined Benefit Pensions ) for public servants , this Government may have a permanent built-in majority in future elections simply based on the largesse they have passed on to those listed above .And considering so many of new tax-paying workers do not have a vote .
We are hearing mutterings recently about a reform of the public sector . Will this happen ? We have only to look at the farcicle response to Charlie Mc Creevy's DECENTRALISATION gimmick.
So maybe we can't go too far wrong by voting 'yes ' to Lisbon , the Eurocrats cannot be any less accountable than our present 'leaders' and anyway if we do happen to vote 'no' , we will just be told to do it again until we get it right , as with the Nice referendum.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Great spread in the Irish you think it was a step forward that they actually got rid of Ahern, though? Go Obama!