Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The former chief executive of Lehman Bros , Richard Fuld was 'beaten-up ' by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Monday last .In extracts shown on television the Chairman of this committee berated him for his recklessness and spoke about the huge amounts he took in bonuses from the toppling bank , even listing in detail his assets , including apparently his three or four big houses .
This was greed ! However greed is a moral flaw not a legal one . The only reason for any company's existence is to make profit and , provided no law is broken , morality does not come into the discussion .Greed is a terrible human flaw but have the Oversight Committee committed an oversight themselves by looking at the wrong cause of this terrifying ( now )World collapse ?
The very people who are now asking greedy executives to give an account of their stewardship surely knew that these people were 'taking home ' obscene amounts of money and did nothing about it .
Where were the REGULATORS and for that matter where were the REGULATIONS ?
Are these rich , greedy , bankers , who were really following their predatorial (?) instincts , and are now crying all the way to their bank balances , are they carrying the can for the lack of regulation or sloppy Regulators ? Could this be an attempt to show that 'the powers that be ' are actually doing something , belatedly , simply to satisfy the roaring lion of Public Opinion , when in fact the real blame lies with themselves for doing nothing during the BOOM times ???


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