Monday, March 23, 2009

Animal Farm.

So it it all started with the Bulls and the Bears on Wall St.They were responsible for the Crash . For a while it seemed that the Markets were rising again but no was only a 'dead cat bounce 'and the index continued to fall.
In Ireland we had our own cat , we called it The Celtic Tiger . This creature was easily recognised as it rampaged through its jungle of shoddily-built , over-priced , housing estates , with its mobile clamped to its ear , brushing aside all in its path .
First-time buyers were led like sheep to the latest over hyped new developments .
When some , responsible commentators , suggested that we might have a property crash and negative equity situation , as had happened in other countries , they were told by the vested interests that our boom was a horse of a different colour and they were 'neigh' (sorry ) sayers . Not only did they continue to ignore the elephant in the corner but they continued to build more white elephants ...Bertie Bowl,,, machines......
But the property crash did come and we had the weasel words and crocodile tears of the people who drove the market (they are very good at crocodile tears ).
When what was really going on eventually started to leak out and we began to realise that St. Patrick had not actually rid our country of all its snakes , the anger started .
We had the porcine similes , swine , greedy pigs , snouts in the trough....etc and although the dogs- in- the- streets had been barking warnings those responsible told us that no-one foresaw our crisis .
So now we are being alerted by our politicians to gird our loins (oops) and prepare for some brass-monkey weather ahead .
Ah ..welcome to Animal Farm..!

1 comment:

Rob said...

Don't forget the bulldog reporters and the gadfly bloggers