Monday, October 1, 2007

Health Service/Irelands Argie-Bargie/ 3.10 seen...

The cunning plan by the 'former'P.D. party has worked beyond their wildest dreams.They set out to create a two-tier society.I'm not sure whether this was Des O'Malley's original intention when he set up the party , but since Mary Harney and Michael Mc Dowell's, involvement, in leadership , there has been an obvious and determined move to 'privatise ' our health service, our education system,local services etc.The original 'plan' was to reduce the public service and bring on private businesses to fill the gap.This has'nt happened , in fact the opposite has happened ,the numbers in the public/civil service have ballooned and with the introduction of so-called 'benchmarking' system the costs of providing our administration have skyrocketed.

The shop-around mantra of Mary Harney and her ilk was supposed to introduce competition and thereby reduce prices.This 'plan'was undermined by Harney herself,most notably when she left the BUPA subscribers high and dry before Quinn rode in to 'save-the-day'.She also let down Smart Telecom subscribers when Eircom pulled the plug.Then we had McDowell's comment about a booming economy ' needing an under class'.
And of course we have now been lumbered with ,what is referred to as , Public Private Partnerships . Does anyone really believe that , in the current political climate and knowing from the fall-out from the Tribunals how bent our system is , that the PPP ( a typical civil service catch-all acronym) will not be run by big business , with the compliance of eager-to-please public servants?
So we have now ended up with the worst of all worlds , as far as certain sectors of our society are concerned ,(for example those who depend on our public health or educational services exclusively) and the best of times for the higher reaches of business and the upper level of public and civil servants who have guarenteed jobs and pensions in a cooling economy.These jobs and pensions will be funded by the middle -ranking tax payers........enough for now ...more anon....

Ireland's International Rugby Team was beaten yesterday by Argentina.Ireland's Callers have called for the resignation of the manager Eddie O'Sullivan.I seem to remember this same man being feted by the same Callers ,why it must have been all of ....say ...3 or 4 weeks ...what a long time in the lives of the Callers.....I can believe that a player's form can change in the space of a few weeks.....but how the**** can a MANAGERS form change....Callers grow up and learn how to become SPORTSMEN.......

I have seen the re-make of the old Glenn Ford western ''3.10 to Yuma''.verdict?..Well done well worth seeing,they even used some of the lines from the if I was to

1 comment:

Rob said...

curious your opinion on Bertiegate...hasn't he effectively admitted to committing a crime by hiding cash from his wife's lawyers and the tax authorities?